This project was started in the year 2012 which aims at giving free tuitions (after school program) for children in the community.

India is a country with more than one billion people, and just one-third of them can read. Rapidly growing size of population, shortages of teachers, books, and basic facilities, and insufficient public funds to cover education costs are some of the nation’s toughest challenges. This is where Children in India are facing the basic challenges. According to a study, more than 30% of educational funds are allocated towards higher education, leaving the primary education in India in sway.

India is fourth among the top 10 nations with the highest numbers of out-of children in primary level. Furthermore, the rate of school drop-outs amongst students is very high. One of the main reasons behind this is poverty. When earning a livelihood and taking care of the members of the family becomes a primary matter of concern in one’s life, education stands a little or, very often, no chance of pursuance. For the underprivileged people in India, education is perceived as a high-priced luxury, and this negative outlook continues on with every new generation.

Education in India is a luxury for the poor. Education is a high-priced investment for people  living in extreme poverty. The statistics on the conditions of schools in India is worrisome. The average student-teacher ratio in the majority of schools is 45:1 and this is the reason kids at school don’t get attention to develop theirlearning abilities. 75 kids from poor families were shortlisted to be enrolled in our tuition program so they could get the attention and help needed to understand concepts taught at school. The families of these kids earn less than
$1 a day and a majority of them work in fields or perform other menial jobs to survive. For these families education is a luxury and sending their kids to school is a stretch and for this season the kids drop out from school in primary class. All of these 75 kids selected come to our center every evening after their school and learn from our 4 teachers. Apart from teaching the kids receive school supplies, sumptuous meals, and loving care. Parents are
forever grateful for this initiative as 35% of all these kids have dropped out of school and this is the only way they could learn. Over the last year, 230 stationary kits and over 1500 meals
and snacks have been handed out to kids at the center. We believe that children learn better when their stomach is full.

This project primarily aims at providing free education to kids who have dropped out of school or have difficulty coping with studies at school. They come from marginalized families whose income is below Rs.150 per day. For many rural people, education is a luxury. Even as many private schools become unaffordable in Bangalore, the quality of government schools is not very impressive. Children from the lower economic background, who attend schools (mostly government schools) are unable to learn much due to poor infrastructure and teaching methodologies. Many of them are scared of subjects like English, Science, and Mathematics.